The artful and delightful virtual reality ballet La Peri has has been re-launched with a new name, adding Lord of the Rings voice actor John Rhys-Davies alongside numerous other enhancements in this unique ‘must own’ VR experience, now known as Firebird: La Péri.

La Péri appeared alongside the HTC Vive’s launch back in April and perhaps didn’t receive the coverage it deserved (and I include ourselves as guilty parties here). The title, developed by Paris / LA based studio Innerspace VR, is an ambitious and unique project, sitting alone in a genre it has now essentially created.

A virtual reality ballet, La Péri is based on the music of on a one act ballet of the same name by French composer Paul Dukas and tells the story of Iskender, an ageing Magi who seeks the Flower of Immortality for, well, you know. In its VR form, the ballet comprises acts or dances, with each new dance centering around Iskender (played by you incidentally) capturing one of the four petals of the flower. The experience cites Disney’s Fantasia, an animation also based on Dukas’ work, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.


Now relaunched as Firebird: La Péri, in reference to the central, ethereal dancer, Innerspace has revisited the original and laivished some significant updates. Most notably is the addition of Lord of the Rings‘ (although he’ll always be Salah from Raiders of the Lost Ark to me) John Rhys-Davies who now provides his gravitas as the title’s narrator 0 Davies of course famously played Ghimli in Peter Jackson’s film adaptation of Tolkien’s fantasy novels.

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Also, for those that have tried La Peri previously, the developers have now added a magic book which leads you through the story in between catching the heart from the creatures (the crux of the interactivity in the original). Also, Firebird now includes both French and Mandarin language options.

La Péri was one of the most effective uses of the HTC Vive’s much vaunted room-scale capabilities on release. Sharing space with the beautifully motion captured dancer, who forms the centerpiece of the experience, elicited some of the most powerful sensations of presence I’ve ever had in VR – that’s before considering the stunning use of abstract production design and particles which are present throughout.


In short, if you have an HTC Vive, and haven’t tried La Péri, the newly re-launched Firebird: La Péri is a perfect opportunity to get this must-have experience. You can grab it from Steam right here. What are you waiting for?

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Based in the UK, Paul has been immersed in interactive entertainment for the best part of 27 years and has followed advances in gaming with a passionate fervour. His obsession with graphical fidelity over the years has had him branded a ‘graphics whore’ (which he views as the highest compliment) more than once and he holds a particular candle for the dream of the ultimate immersive gaming experience. Having followed and been disappointed by the original VR explosion of the 90s, he then founded to follow the new and exciting prospect of the rebirth of VR in products like the Oculus Rift. Paul joined forces with Ben to help build the new Road to VR in preparation for what he sees as VR’s coming of age over the next few years.
  • Raphael

    One of VR’s finest experiences?

    According to user feedback it’s over in 15 mins and has no replay value.

    • sntxrrr

      It’s an experience, not a game. It does have 2 endings though.

      • Raphael

        Yes but there are many VR experiences… is this really the finest? It’s like declaring someone the world’s best actor… kind of a ridiculous title.

        • info

          uh what’s up dude?

          • Raphael

            You are the world’s best actor. I am handing you the award. Others may disagree with my decision but my mind is made up. You are the world’s best actor.

          • Dan

            There’s a big difference between “The best” and “One of the best”
            Of course calling someone “The best actor” is pointless and divisive. Call someone “One of the best actors”, and you may find a general concensus.
            Nobody appears to be claiming this is some unassailable example of perfection… just that it’s one of the best, and given the context, presumably only one of the best *at this time*. Everyone knows VR is young, and much greater things shall come in time.

    • pukeworm

      did you try it ?

    • Scott Nebeker

      I believe I understand the point of the reviewers but I don’t agree at all.

      This is the experience I’ve repeated most, racking up 109 minutes in it. That doesn’t include the two or three times I’ve gone through it on other people’s rigs. This isn’t a game, you don’t throw things or make things explode. Theirs minimal but beautiful interactions. There’s one point where I can sit indefinitely while the woman’s voice and breath move around.

      For me, this is a no-brainer. Luckily, I was given my first go at it by a friend or else I’d be in the same boat as you and the reviewers you’re looking at.

      • Raphael

        Well let’s give it a try then. Tonight.

        • Scott Nebeker

          Please share your feelings afterward. Try to go into it neutral.

  • Andrew Tice

    Very nice somewhat interactive experience. I would chose this and theBlu for introduction to VR. I am quite used to VR and have many games/experiences. This thrilled me.

  • Pragmator

    The feeling of standing on a “stage” and having a motion cap ballerina dancing around me was amazing, catching me completely off guard with my emotional reaction.

    If someone had told me I’d wish for a feature length ballet VR game prior to trying this I would have laughed in their face. Now? I totally wish this performance was at least an hour and a half.