Google is set to unveil a number of new devices and services at today’s big event, mainly focusing on the Pixel and Pixel XL phones (which have already been widely leaked). According to a report by Variety though, Google’s new mobile VR headset platform Daydream is going to hit the spotlight as well, and at a price low enough to fit under almost any Christmas tree.

Variety’s report maintains that both Pixel and Pixel XL phones will work with the new Daydream headset—no big surprise here—but citing a source familiar with the announcement “could be sold for as little as $79.”

Variety further reports that the first Daydream headset may also be built by HTC, the manufacturer of the Pixel and Pixel XL.

Revealed at Google’s I/O 2016 event, Brahim Elbouchikhi, Senior Product Manager on the Google VR team, said the company intends on pushing out Daydream “at Android scale, meaning hundreds of millions of users…”

Daydream, unlike Samsung’s Gear VR which uses a headset-mounted touchpad, will come with a small Wii-style remote for gestural input and work across a number of Daydream-compatible phones from multiple manufacturers including Hauwei, Samsung, HTC, LG, Mi, ZTE, Asus and Alcatel. Gear VR only works with select flagship Samsung phones.

While we can’t read too deeply into the report, Google has provided their Daydream headsets reference design to multiple manufacturers, and it would make sense that a company already familiar with headset ergonomics (via the HTC Vive) would be one of the first to take a stab at building Google’s Daydream headset set to unveil today.

You can check out the livestream (below) at 9am PDT/12pm EDT today, Tuesday, October 4th. We’ll be reporting on all things Daydream as they develop.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • VRgameDevGirl

    Just so we’re clear, this $79 headset will only work with the new phones that have yet to be released? And will probably cost at least $400? Is this true? Or…

    • Firestorm185

      I believe that’s correct from what I’ve read before.

    • Adrian Meredith

      I think the point is that in two-three years it will filter down to all phones. Thats when it’ll hit mainstream

    • OgreTactics

      (Marketing) logics wants that, yes, they will want you to get an Android smartphone to run DaydreamVR.

      And 400$ even up to 800$ for a high-end smartphone is way more affordable than other VR computing devices.

      I just hope that they stop being counter-productive and irrational like they are with many of their promising product, and fucking integrate Tango in these smartphones.

      • Russell Dornisch

        $800 for a PSVR setup… Just an FYI. $300 for the system, $500 for the VR. Better quality then sticking a phone in a device like this… nearly same price.

        • OgreTactics

          PSVR and AndroidVR are the two best VR platform, and they both fill two extremely opposite usage: tethered home entertainment and mobile VR player.

  • David Hothersall

    The way I read it was the headset will work with Daydream compatible devices from the manufacturers mentioned in the second to last paragraph, much in the same way as Cardboard does. It doesn’t make sense for it just to work with their own devices when there are hundreds of millions potentially compatible phones already out there.

    • Adrian Meredith

      Its already known that daydream isn’t compatible with any existing phone. It has strict requirements

      • David Hothersall

        I hadn’t looked into the specs of daydream so wasn’t aware of that. That said how bloody stupid, there are already millions of phones powerful enough to run the experiences so why limit it to new devices?
        So they’ve built an ecosystem with Cardboard that they’re not building on but starting from scratch, mind blowingly dumb!

  • Jonathan

    I assume it will only work on phones with HTC sized bezels ?

  • Muzufuzo

    I am really interested in Daydream VR but similar to VRgameDevGirl, I am worried that it will require (at least) 400$ new smartphones (like very expensive Google Pixel XL) to work.

    • OgreTactics

      Of course it will. 400$ is the LEAST expensive computing device you could find to run VR apps.

      • Russell Dornisch

        $300 PS4?

        • OgreTactics

          So 800$ with a PSVR. Then the choice about whether you prefer a high-end tethered entertainment system or a mobile VR player/tool.

          • OgreTactics

            Don’t forget that with this you get, you know…an actual smartphone. But that’s what fucking obnoxious: having to chose the right smartphone/VR device. It could be the best VR enabled smartphone for example if it has high-resolution and Tango, but be a fat ugly badly spec’d smartphone on the other hand…

          • Bryan Ischo

            You sound very upset that Google isn’t spending their money to cater to your own personal desires.

          • OgreTactics

            That a billion dollars companies is taking all their decision to NOT be competitive against other companies even though they have the tech, yeah that should piece non-losers off. Obviously you’re not piece, you’d probably accept any shit, like those hysterical losers who defended the Wii U even though it was dead before it launched.

          • Bryan Ischo

            Your attitude is going to get you ignored by just about everyone, including the companies that you think should be catering to your needs.

          • OgreTactics

            The companies that don’t count yes. I’m glad to have people with stick-up their ass who take internet vulgarity seriously in 2016 and miss the actual points and arguments.

          • Russell Dornisch

            True, however I still don’t see what the need for mobile VR. you won’t catch me walking around with a VR headset on, or sitting in a waiting room using it. That is what AR is for and will be more successful at.

          • OgreTactics

            I was about to tell what the need for a mobile VR was. Then I just so what these fucking losers at Google with billions of budget released as a sorry excuse of Daydream HMDs and the accompanying smartphone. Yeah, just go for an actual useful HMD like PSVR or Oculus.

          • Muzufuzo

            Mobile VR is nice because you don’t need the cumbersome cables. I imagine in the future we will be able to send power and data wirelessly from your powerful VR desktop PC and wireless power device to your VR goggles a few meters away.

    • RipVoid

      Every new android phone will have it and the cost will be just $79 for the headset for android users. The new phones will be expensive at first, just like all new phones, but will go down with time.

  • OgreTactics

    They better fucking integrate Tango to Gear/DaydreamVR in some way.

  • What’s a Wii Remote and a plastic Google Cardboard set worth? That’s what you’re getting. I’m thrilled about the remote, but do I need another empty plastic headset?

  • VRgameDevGirl

    So the pixel phones that are made for daydream are over $650….ill stick with my VIVE for now, mobile VR is not worth it at this point. Unless you use cardboard.