SUPERHOT (2016), the massively successful slow-mo shooter for PC and console, already has a built-for-VR version for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PSVR—SUPERHOT VR (2017)—but now that the team has licensed the IP to Japanese developers GameTomo, you may be curious if the next installment of red dude-shattering fun is getting another VR counterpart as well. According to the developers, it isn’t likely to arrive at launch, although there’s still hope.

As reported by PCGamesN, the standalone game is set in the name stylish, crystalline universe as Superhot. The Japanese adaptation—currently a work-in-progress dubbed Superhot JP—is slated to make heavy use of distinctly Japanese environments like samurai castles, hot springs, karaoke bars, and bullet trains.

Image courtesy GameTomo

GameTomo is developing the game in Tokyo with guidance from Superhot Team, and says they’re targeting PS4 and PC at very least currently. While GameTomo hasn’t made mention of prospective launch dates, the game is currently intended for a Japan-first release, with other countries possibly gaining support later. The developers say on the Superhot JP product page that while it really shouldn’t be considered a full-fledged sequel, there will be “a bunch of new levels and some cool new gameplay.” Color me tantalized.

Here’s the rub: GameTomo flatly says that Superhot JP is “non-VR for now.” While disappointing, the “for now” part leaves some room for hope.

'SUPERHOT VR' Review – Become One With the Gun

Considering the meteoric success of the Superhot franchise, there’s no question that VR users are clamouring (and ready to pay for) more slow-mo action alla Superhot’s time-stopping game mechanic. Although VR game development presents its own challenges parallel to the burden of producing a game for any platform, much of the heavy lifting has likely already been done by the Superhot Team when they produced Superhot VR—that’s some healthy conjecture, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

The game, which doesn’t have a release date yet, is said to include around 15-18 regular levels and 3-4 endless levels, a few new weapons (including a bow and arrow), and the same game modes as the original Superhot.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Adrian Meredith

    What? they sold the superhot ip? and its not vr first?

  • Luke


    • jj


  • Raphael

    No surprise. Look how long ago the game was released and they never released any new levels or a sequel. Forever update was minimal effort.

  • NooYawker

    Is this game even fun outside of VR?

    • Caven

      In my opinion, absolutely. I’ve played both Superhot and Superhot VR, and enjoyed each game for different reasons. Each version has different strengths and are designed differently to account for those strengths. The original Superhot has the player moving through the environments, which is something Superhot VR doesn’t really let you do. 360-degree awareness is also more important in the non-VR version, since Rift compatibility encouraged the VR version to focus on forward-facing VR. Of course, the VR version makes up for that with motion controls and VR presence.

      For what it’s worth, I played Superhot VR before playing the non-VR version, so I definitely knew exactly what I was missing when I played the non-VR version. The games are different enough that I think it’s worth playing both of them. To put it another way, if you could strip the VR functionality from Superhot VR, you’d still end up with a game that is different from Superhot.

    • Veraxus

      Yes, but only if you’ve never played the VR version. Once you have, the pancake version is intolerable.

  • Lucidfeuer

    I don’t like fragmentation and milking, but Superhot is extensible as fuck.

  • MarquisDeSang

    Because PC VR has basicaly no users. Cheap stand alone VR is the future.

    • J.C.

      Unfortunately, the computational power of cheap standalones is trash, which means equally crappy games. People complain that PCVR doesn’t look particularly good, what do you think those same people think of standalones?They haven’t even put 6DoF controllers on them yet.

      Maybe in 5-10 years, they’ll have caught up to today’s PCs, and they’ll start to make decent looking/functioning titles. Where will the PC be at that point? It won’t be dead, that’s been predicted so many times before that Death has stopped bothering to come around. Will PC VR still exist? Hopefully.

      You are right, tho. Cheap always sells better. There’s way more Corollas on the road than Lamborghinis.

      • jj

        He’s a troll he just wants to say what will make people the angriest. and saying standalone vr is a holy grail when its not is a good way to piss vr enthusiasts off. If you want a real trip go look at his past comments, hes a racist ass hole.

    • Raphael

      Aha… the troll flame statement. Let’s grossly exaggerate to push our view.

    • Gato Satanista

      “Cheap stand alone VR is the future.” Since I don’t have a time machine, I’ll stick with the present and with my tethered Rift.

  • DanDei

    This desperately needs a level editor like Doom’s SnapMap or the one from Portal 2

  • Nosfar

    Oh look ,One less game I have to worry about buying this crowded E3 season.

  • MildRain

    Maybe this will be on oculus quest