Two exciting non-game Kickstarters projects out of the VR community that we’ve been watching over the last few weeks have hit their goal.

Nuren: The New Renaissance

nuren oculus rift feature length musical experience (4)

Nuren: The New Renaissance is a feature-length VR musical being built in Unreal Engine 4. The experience will include original music and vocals from artists Jake “Virt” Kaufman and Jessie Seely.

The experience took to Kickstarter back in mid-February and has now raised $71,838 of the $70,000 goal. CSP Industries, the developer behind the VR musical, expects to release the title in March of next year for those backing the experience which starts at $10. The Nuren Kickstarter still has two days remaining, so head on over if you’d like to secure a copy.

Last week it was revealed that Nuren was the first VR project to receive the Unreal Developer Grant, which provided $18,000 to the creators. The money is provided ‘no strings attached’ according to Epic Games, who created the $5 million fund, but the developers of Nuren have confirmed that it will go toward the project.

See Also: Epic Games Offering up Cash from $5 Million Fund to ‘Anyone Making Cool Things with UE4’

CSP Industries has a Nuren demo available for the Oculus Rift DK2 for Windows and Mac. You can find the most recent links to the demo at the top of the Nuren Kickstarter description.

Apollo 11 Experience

apollo 11 experience cockpit

Apollo 11 Experience is a recreation of the famous NASA flight that took the first humans to the Moon. Designed to be an educational experience, developer Immersive Education says that it’s the first among several VR experiences the company will create to immerse students in significant historical events.

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The Apollo 11 Kickstarter just finished today, raising €36,623 of its €30,000 goal. The starting price for the experience was €10 and the developer intends to launch Apollo 11 in July of this year.

Immersive Education has released an updated Apollo 11 demo for the Oculus Rift DK2 on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Nuren and Apollo 11 are early examples of many non-game experiences that will find an audience in virtual reality. We’re looking forward to the final product from both developers!

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Don Gateley

    Backed both just to support non-gaming VR, my true interest. Please continue to keep us posted on these. I’ve got a bit more money I can throw at them and I will.

  • JesuSaveSouls

    I backed apollo and it was a milestone for vr.