The past few months has brought little speculation surrounding the name of Meta’s next headset, primarily due to a number of leaks from Meta’s periphery. A new leak, courtesy of serial dataminer Luna, however seemingly confirms what we all knew all along. It’s called Quest 3S.

The image above reportedly comes from a Meta support page detailing an ‘Action Button’, which seems to allow the user to switch between virtual reality and passthrough, an action that’s done with a tap of the headset on Quest 3.

Provided the image is genuine, it makes for the most direct confirmation of the Quest 3S name among a torrent of strong, but equally questionable leaks.

Back in March, an image from a now deleted Reddit post (preserved by Luna) showed an ostensible mock-up of a French language Meta store landing page, wherein ‘Quest 3S’ is both seen and named.

Image courtesy Luna

It’s still not clear the provenance of the image, although an official image of the headset itself cropped up in files found within the Meta PC client, confirming that the initial leak originally derived from either Meta or a close partner.

'Beat Saber' is Nearing 10 Million Unit Sales on Quest Alone

Then, in May, Meta-owned studio Magnopus briefly listed ‘Quest 3S’ as a supported device in their fitness game Alo Moves XR.

Image captured by Road to VR

So now we’ve seen the headset, and we now know with confidence it’s actually named Quest 3S, what else is there to find out?

Here’s the rumor mill’s take: Quest 3S is said to have the same Fresnel lenses and display as Quest 2, although runs the same Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 chipset as Quest 3, and comes with color passthrough for mixed reality experiences. It’s also rumored to target a $299 price point, and be offered in a both a 128GB and 256GB model.

With an FCC certification already on the books, we’re now waiting for confirmation of those specs and a big reveal at Connect 2024 kicking off September 25th – 26th, which seems all-but-confirmed to be the event to watch for all things Quest 3S.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • There are so many leaks that the announcement is at this point pretty useless lol

    • ViRGiN

      like valve deckard leaks?

  • Nevets

    Well, duh.

  • xyzs

    Fresnel lenses + lcd, in Q4 2024…

    No thanks, the savings are not worth such a downgrade.

    • VRDeveloper – The real sigma

      But think on the good side, we will have a much greater margin to add things to the games, because it will be more performance, I think they made smart choices. The perfect Headset will never exist, it will always have some problem, and within the possible, I think Meta is delivering a very solid product.

    • Ondrej

      Even Apple is trying alternatives to micro oleds due to cost.
      If you want cheap it needs sacrifices.

      • xyzs

        There is a difference between trying alternatives between modern and super modern vs the alternative between partially modern and clearly outdated…

        • ViRGiN

          you could advocate for steam to cut their tax down to 1% to boost vr market, but no, you would rather trashtalk the only company doing anything for VR

          • xyzs

            Get a grip with Valve fing freak.

          • ViRGiN

            Gayben! Gayben!

    • Mateusz Jakubczyk

      That's interesting, but did you know that if the Quest 2 with its Fresnels and LCD were still on sale, it would still be the best-selling VR headset on the market right now? In other words – people don't care.

  • david vincent

    Weight is not so much an issue if it's well balanced

  • ZarathustraDK

    Meta catering to the clueless parents just in time for them to purchase the wrong christmas-gift and have their ritalin-addled hellspawn chuck it into the fireplace to the sound of many reee's and wails.

    • ViRGiN

      keep coping with dead pcvr, you brought it to yourself by buying from steam

      • Leisure Suit Barry

        All VR is pretty much dead at this point.

        PCVR is dead outside of mods
        PSVR2 a sales flop
        Quest 3 a sales flop

        • ViRGiN

          Steam hardware survey alone shows that quest 3 is selling quite well.

          • Leisure Suit Barry

            Quest 3 is essentially a VR console, it is it’s own platform and needs a big enough install base to make it viable.

            The current sale rate of Quest 3 will not make it viable

          • ViRGiN

            Quest 3 is just a step towards Meta vision. It sells better than expected, and they are just launching a new one.
            Meta is playing the long game.

          • Leisure Suit Barry

            Sure Meta will release more headsets but developers won’t put games on a system with a low install base

  • kraeuterbutter

    as @davind vincent said:
    balance is key..
    the pico4 feels half the weigth on my head compared to my Quest3, but: in reality is slightly heavier
    balance is very important.. pico does that very well (battery at the back)
    after modding i can even say: pico4 (with around 600g) is more comforable watching a movie than my 78 Gramm light Virture XR Pro
    because: the Viture does rest msot of the weight on your nose..
    the pico4 i can use that no weight at all goes to the nose

  • brandon9271

    Lost me at "fresnel lenses." I with they would just do away with that trash. They didn't even pass for "good enough" unless you enjoy gazing through Vaseline covered plastic.