Cloudhead Games to Debut New ‘Gallery’ Demo and ‘Blink’ Locomotion System on HTC Vive at PAX


With the annual PAX Prime conference just around the corner, Cloudhead Games says they’ll be showing off a new demo of their episodic made-for-VR game, The Gallery. The developer will show the demo running in conjunction with their newly revealed ‘Blink’ locomotion system that’s designed to allow players to seamlessly navigate large spaces on the room-scale HTC Vive.

Attendees of PAX Prime 2015 will have a chance to see the latest from Cloudhead Games. Having previously raised money on Kickstarter for one of the first made-for-VR titles, The Gallery: Six Elements, the company has been shifting gears since the room-scale HTC Vive system brought forth a large physical tracking volume and motion input controllers, the latter being something that Cloudhead Games had always anticipated.

See Also: SteamVR Gameplay from ‘The Gallery: Six Elements’ Demo Shows Intuitive Interaction

Cloudhead now says that The Gallery will be an episodic experience, with the first episode being Call of the Starseed, which will be the source of the new demo shown at PAX Prime in Seattle at the end of August.

Channeling inspiration from magical 1980s fantasy adventures, Call of the Starseed is the first step in the episodic journey of The Gallery, a VR adventure that takes place through both realistic and fantastical environments as you set out in search of your sister, Elsie. As Alex, you must walk through Elsie’s footsteps in order to unravel the mystery of her unexpected disappearance, all the while uncovering a much greater narrative.

The demo will also be the first time that players have a chance to see the new ‘Blink’ locomotion system that Cloudhead says will allow the seamless traversal of large spaces without nausea on the HTC Vive system.

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See Also: Cloudhead Games’ ‘Blink’ to Bring Nausea-free VR to HTC Vive this Holiday

The Gallery will be shown by Cloudhead Games at the Portland Room of the Grand Hyatt Hotel located across from the Washington State Convention Center. The developer is also offering eight winners a pass to jump the line at Pax Prime, allowing them one of the first opportunities to try the new demo and locomotion system. To enter, Like Cloudhead Games on Facebook or Follow them on twitter. The company says that two winners will be drawn each day.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."