As movie tie-ins go, the Star Wars franchise has it all (even Star Wars-branded fruit at one point). Now, Magic Leap says the porg-tastic AR experience Star Wars: Project Porg is available on Magic Leap One. Latent Tamagotchi fans, look out.

Update (February 19th, 2019): Magic Leap & ILMxLAB announced that ‘Star Wars: Project Porg’ is now free on Magic Leap One. ILMxLAB also released an behind-the-scenes look at ‘Project Porg’ (linked below).

In the experience, C-3P0 drops off a baby porg. Much like an old school Tamagotchi or Neopet, you take care of the porg, play fetch, feed it, and help it raise baby porgs too. Yes. There’s a laser pointer, and apparently porgs love them as much as cats.

Original Article (February 6th, 2019): Project Porg was originally slated to release in December 2018, and we weren’t sure what happened to the project in the meantime. In a series of tweets today, both Magic Leap and ILMxLAB announced that the immersive AR experience is “hatching soon.”

First teased at Magic Leap’s developer conference last October, ILMxLAB’s Project Porg is an AR experiment that tasks you with gaining the trust and affection of your porgs by feeding them treats, playing with them, and following instructions from C-3PO, voiced by original actor Anthony Daniels.

There’s no definite release date yet on the porgy-pet simulator, although Magic Leap One owners are probably used to waiting at this point, as the company is still making strides to fill out its content store. Hopefully the company’s Independent Creator grant program will help, as they’re awarding between $20,000 to $500,000 to successful applicants.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • fdf

    hard pass

    • jj


  • JustNiz

    This sounds like just another 5 minute Star Wars-themed VR “experience” ( à la “Trials on Tatooine” and “Droid Repair Bay”) rather than an actual full game.

    • G-man

      what makes you think ilm is even thinking about making “full games”?

    • jj

      well the magic leap is pretty much a 5 minute demo device.

  • Arcticu Kitsu

    Could be interesting, yet need an actual full blown free-roamy VR game. It’s a shame Electronic Arts is moronic having canceled the sandboxy Star Wars game. We need an actual Star Wars VR game.

  • andres rivero

    Uh. The creator program is for independent creators not INDUSTRIAL LIGHT AND MAGIC.

    • Malkmus

      This wasn’t part of the creator grant. Magic Leap also fund titles separately, similar to Oculus. The creator grant contest just ended last week, and this title is already available to download.

      • andres rivero

        I was just replying to the statement at the end which kind of made it seem like this ILM project was related to the grants. Have a nice day.

  • G-man

    the mechanics of beat saber culd be really cool implemented as a part of a full game, where you are actually wiedling a light saber in the game, deflecting and hitting things to the beat of score/soundtrack to the game.

    • Hivemind9000

      things = porgs? now we’re talking!

  • Hivemind9000

    Pffft. They can’t even give them a decent eating animation. Not that I care…

  • Rand

    Mixed Reality is still in early stages. It needs to happen… it will be just as awesome as VR at some point but in different ways. Truth be said…. VR will always take you places… MR will bring places to you. MR will just be a few steps behind VR until at some point they merge into the same device.

  • Trenix

    Who would want to take this to a theme park? lol