Mojang, the Microsoft-owned studio behind Minecraft, announced it’s dropping support for the original PSVR next year, leaving any hope for PSVR 2 support firmly at (bed)rock bottom.

As mentioned in the recent 1.21.30 (Bedrock) release notes, Mojang says that starting March 2025, PSVR users will no longer be able to play Minecraft on PS4. Not online or in single player.

“After you receive the final update, you will still receive updates on your PlayStation and be able to play without PlayStationVR,” the studio says.

PSVR support for Minecraft came as a free update to the PS4 version in September 2020, allowing users to play the full game, albeit with the DualShock controllers and not PS Move.

As the best-selling game in history, PSVR was essentially the only VR headset to boast real first-class support from Mojang; the Meta PC version was delisted after abandoning support in 2021, and the only advisable way to play on PC VR is the Vivecraft Java Edition mod.

What’s more, Minecraft is now in beta on PS5, however Mojang hasn’t mentioned whether PSVR 2 support is on the horizon, further curbing any hopes it may ever come given today’s news.

While Mojang hasn’t said as much—and this is simply my opinion—it’s unlikely PSVR 2 support will ever come primarily due to the headset’s relatively small userbase, and a few other factors at play.

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Sony’s wavering confidence in PSVR 2 has also led it to release a tethered PC VR adapter for in August, severing its exclusivity to the PS5 game ecosystem. This happened only a year and a half after PSVR 2’s launch, leading some to believe the company is partially divesting itself of its latest VR headset.

Notably, the company didn’t throw gas behind PSVR 2 like it did with the 2016 original. Sony has released only a handful of exclusives, including Horizon Call of the Mountain, and VR support for Resident Evil Village, Gran Turismo 7 and the Resident Evil 4 remake.

Then, there’s Mojang’s parent company Microsoft, which has been fairly wary of VR gaming in general over the years. In 2023, the company not only pulled the plug on its social VR platform Altspace VR, but also dropped support for its entire WMR platform on Windows.

Granted, Mojang hasn’t outright denied PSVR 2 support, although it simply doesn’t seem like it will ever happen on PS5.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Xron

    microsoft using google strategy o/

    • ViRGiN

      You mean like Valve dropping SteamVR support for Mac?

  • bviktor

    Where are the killer PSVR2 games, srsly?