‘Gorilla Tag’ Developer Reveals First Glimpse of Ambitious New Game


The developer of Gorilla Tag, one of VR’s most popular and commercially successful games, has revealed the first clear look at its next game. Previously codenamed ‘Project A2’, the title has been officially dubbed Orion Drift, and aims to take Gorilla Tag’s social structure to the next level.

Another Axion is the indie studio behind Gorilla Tag, the viral VR game that’s taken on a life of its own and earned more than $100 million in revenue—making it one of VR’s most successful titles.

And while most studios would be reluctant to disrupt such a massive success with their own new title, that looks like exactly what Another Axiom is up to with Orion Drift. A newly released teaser shows how it will work.

Orion Drift is built atop Gorilla Tag’s signature arm-based locomotion system, but players will inhabit robot bodies rather than gorillas. But that simple change of avatar is far from the disruptive part. The game is taking Gorilla Tag’s seamless social lobby navigation and ‘playground’ gameplay and turning it up to 11.

Orion Drift is promised to feature space stations upon which up to 200 players can roam simultaneously. The space stations consist of multiple large arena spaces where players can play a wide variety of different games, from something that looks not far from ‘Gorilla Tag’ itself to ‘Tackleball’, which looks a lot like soccer or Rocket Race, but of course using your hands for movement and controlling the ball.

We also get a glimpse of another part of the station which includes something that looks like a golf course and pickleball courts. And still another area hosting an event called ‘Scrap Run’ which looks like an obstacle race.

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Although this would already be plenty of space for activities, the cylindrical space station has at least seven additional huge modules that are shown as being ‘under construction’—the implication is that these will all fill out to support more unique activities and game modes.

And it might even be players that build out the rest of the station. Another Axiom previously said about the game that “[…] players can run their own servers, control their own stations, host their own rule sets, moderate and customize the look and feel of activities, posters, game modes and more,” and also mentioned plans for a level editor which would allow players to build their own maps and activities.

And if that wasn’t enough, at the end of the trailer the camera pulls way back and reveals not just the one floating station, but nearly 20 floating through space together.

It’s an ambitious concept that’s clearly inspired by the seamless social structure of Gorilla Tag, where game lobbies are ‘places’ and changing game modes is as natural as walking between rooms.

In Orion Drift, however, the idea isn’t just to wander down the hall into a new room, but traverse a whole space station full of people—and maybe even jump from station to station to find new game modes and people.

For now Another Axiom is calling this first look a “development snapshot” comprised of “early gameplay footage.” There aren’t yet hard plans for a release, but the studio is taking sign-ups for a closed early access period on its official Discord.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • It seems very ambitious. For sure they have the budget to carry on this project… let's keep an eye on this! Good luck

    • ViRGiN

      what exactly is ambitious here?

      • Ben Lang

        200 player multiplayer, to start.

      • kebo

        New mechanics. They have to be smooth, intuitive and fun. No buttons, this is VR. Endless possibilities and we only have scratched the surface!

        They started working on the game without even knowing how it would play. The ambition was to create a zero G sport with an intuitive movement system inspired by Echo VR. It is still "under construction" as seen in the trailer.

        • ViRGiN

          It looks like complete crap, given gorilla tag made over $100 millions. I guess placeholder graphics are the way forward.

          • kakek

            They make quest games. Did you expect high res textures and dynamic lights ?
            Beside, they made bank with the shittiest looking game, even on PC.
            Might as well double down.

          • Andrey

            "They make quest games."

            I would agree that Quest games can't have superb graphics and this statement is correct… before gameplay trailer of new Batman. Yes, it's only on Quest 3 and not 2. Yes, it's singleplayer and corridor-like. But even compared to something like Red Matter 2 which nowadays considered as the first Crysis but for Quest platform, new Batman has multiple very well-made and animated character models on the screen at the same time, not to mention well done environments with real-time shadows. It's in general looks like a not-so-bad looking game from X-Box 360/PS3 era and totally not PS1/2 graphics level of RE4 VR.
            What I am trying to say is that even if you make a game for Quest only it doesn't mean that it should look like total *&^%. It can look good and even great. And instead of concentrating on "200 players multiplayer" – which is nothing more than a gimmick that has more chances to ruin the game by making it overly chaotic or generally unoptimized than making it fun or even just interesting – they really should scale things down (quite) a bit and concentrate on quality and not quantity. Though I personally can't expect anything good from people who "made a bank" on skins for a "single gameplay mechanic" game. I mean it probably will sell if it won't be F2P or it will earn them some money from microtransactions ("We should play this game because it's from Gorilla Tag developers!!1"), but it won't ever come close to a VR game of the year.

          • kebo

            I believe that gameplay > graphics. We have already 4 major titles coming this year (Metro, Alien, Batman, Behemoth) and we also need fun and easy games like this where the focus is the gameplay and social interaction.

            Speaking of which, that's the purpuse of the 200 players. They won't play in just a single arena 100vs100. As displayed in the trailer there are several different game modes and arenas to just walk by and chat, join, leave/go elsewhere. Guess this should feel like a little metaverse on it's own. If you ever played Raacket Club VR, it's a simelar aproach with around 20 players which already is awesome!

          • ViRGiN

            100v100 would be actually ambitious and impressive.
            "up to 200" just screams rooms locked to X players, and then switching between server lobbies.

            really nothing interesting here, and the production value is near zero, it's not spiritual successor to Echo at all. this is just more gorilla tag.

      • kool

        What isn't ambitious about this game where have you seen a game like this before?

  • VRDeveloper

    Looks very cool, its not for me, but its cool!

  • xyzs

    Poor handicapped robots everywhere :S

  • Mike

    It was previously called "A2" not "Project AR".

  • kakek

    They ambitiously made a new map and a new model for gotilla tag ?

  • gothicvillas

    The fun was monke, no?

  • Max

    when is the game coming out. ive been waiting for a year for echo games to cook but i never got my game. Now that they are cooking i think i deserve a release date. We would all enjoy it. Thank you

  • NicoleJsd

    A bit messy choice to put 200 players in one server with all various players that probably won’t even be interested in half of them. Usually people pick one game they like and stick to it. So they will jump servers or smh. I am betting it will be probably changed into some lobby because it sounds cool on paper but like a bit awkward design