EVE: Valkyrie (2016), the space dogfighter originally developed by CCP Games, just opened up its free weekend, which gives anyone with an Oculus Rift an all-access pass to play for the next few days.

The free weekend is already in effect, and will continue until February 19th at 12:00 AM PST (local time here).

The game, which recently passed hands to Sumo Digital due to CCP shelving its VR-producing branches back in October last year, has been an early VR stalwart since we first saw it in 2014 when it carried the moniker EVE-VR. The game has since seen a number of substantial updates which saw several maps and game mode types added, and eventually resulted in the refocusing of the game’s ships to be more in line with first-person shooters, offering several distinct classes to anyone regardless of playtime or in-game achievement.

CCP to Shelve VR as It Shutters Atlanta Office, Sells Branch Behind 'EVE: Valkryie' in Newcastle

EVE: Valkyrie also supports crossplay for all of its supported platforms which include HTC Vive (via Steam) and PSVR, and more recently players on PC and PS4. Console and PC support came alongside the game’s largest and most recent update Warzone, which aimed to revitalize the online multiplayer with the promise of more players.

Valkyrie is currently discounted on Steam at $15, and on the Oculus Store at $18. Download Valkyrie here to get started on the free weekend.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • impurekind

    I’m really appreciating this free demo every weekend thing. :-)

    • Walextheone

      Me too! Really nice “feature” :-p

      • Loretta

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  • MW

    Old tech, old game, but no competition-so just let’s make more money. I did not expected vr dream will end like this. Biggest VR company on world make news from 2 years old game…

    • Raphael

      Don’t go stupid. There is no VR dream ending. Cliche anti-vr rhetoric. VR is an inevitable technology. Valkyrie disappointed too many people who expected it to be a full space sim before launch. Who wanted a full single player campaign. CCP killed their own game by keeping the price high for too long. It was a fun space arena game but too many people compared it unfairly to Elite Dangerous.

      The entire VR gaming industry does not depend on one badly managed game developer and their arena shooter.

      • impurekind

        This ^^^.

      • Ragbone


    • theonlyrealconan

      Beggers can’t be choosers. Pretty much the only reason i still play ED.

  • impurekind

    Yup, still makes me motion sick. :-(

    • Jerald Doerr

      I really feel sorry for people that get motion sick, to be truthful I thought it was all bs but I got it after having a hangover on the 1st than jumping into VR only to understand true motion sickness.. I did not use my VR for 2 days before even feeling ok about hopping back in.

      Also, I’ve always wondered if anyone has tried the pills they have or even if its worth it?

      • impurekind

        Yeah, motion sickness in VR is def a real thing. I’m not as bad as some people but I get it. What annoys me though is that Google has implemented a pretty amazing solution to VR motion sickness in its Google Earth VR app, and I just wish more developers would actually use that same method in their games, particularly first person VR games and any that have proper locomotion in them.

  • Damn, can’t play this weekend! But I’m loving all these free weekends!