Shiftall has launched pre-orders for its newly unveiled MeganeX superlight “8K”, a slim and light, high-resolution OLED PC VR headset tracked by SteamVR base stations.

While Panasonic sold off its XR hardware startup Shiftall earlier this year, the companies held a joint press conference in Tokyo yesterday to announce MeganeX superlight “8K”, which is slated to start shipping between February and March 2025. Pre-orders are now available in the US, priced at an eye-watering $1,900.

Boasting a flip-up design, MeganeX superlight is hoping to impress with its 1.35-inch micro OLED displays, offering a resolution of 3,552 × 3,840 per-eye and 90 Hz refresh rate. Supporting 10-bit color depth, the PC VR headset also offers HDR support through SteamVR.

Image courtesy Shiftall

Weighing in at 185g (without headstrap), the headset also features proprietary pancake lenses built by Panasonic and motorized interpupillary distance (IPD) supporting users from 58 to 72 mm, along with focus adjustment from 0D to -7D. Notably missing is any mention of field-of-view. We’ve reached out to Shiftall for clarification on that spec, and will update when/if we hear back.

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It includes built-in dual microphones with beamforming and features 6DOF head tracking thanks to the inclusion of SteamVR tracking via base stations (version 1.0 or 2.0 required). An add-on prescription lens option will be announced in the future.

Shiftall MeganeX superlight “8K” in flipped-up position | Image courtesy Shiftall

While MeganeX superlight doesn’t feature any sort of onboard audio, it does include a USB Type-C expansion port for headphones.

Only available in Japan and the US for now, Meganex superlight is hoping to resonate with the same sort of PC VR crowd who gravitated towards Bigscreen Beyond, which notably packs in lower-resolution micro OLED displays (2,560 × 2,560 pixels per-eye) at nearly half the price, and at a lower weight (127g).

Like Bigscreen Beyond and the original MeganeX, which only saw a limited release in Japan in late 2023, MeganeX superlight is tapping into the SteamVR ecosystem, meaning you’ll need to bring your own controllers and tracking base stations. You can pre-orders here in the US for $1,900.

Check out the specs below:

MeganeX superlight “8K” Specs

1.35 inch Micro OLED / 10 bit
Contrast Ratio
3,552 × 3,840 per-eye (7,104 × 3,840 pixels for both eyes)
Color Depth
8 bit: 256 gradations, 10 bit: 1024 gradations
Color Gamut
95% DCI-P3 coverage
Supported via SteamVR
Refresh Rate 90Hz
Pancake lens (Panasonic built)
Interpupillary Distance (IPD)
58-72 mm (electrically adjustable)
Focus Adjustment 0D to -7D
Add-on prescription lens
Announcing soon
Less than 185g (6.5 oz)* *Note: Main body only
Wearing Method
Forehead pad + Head strap or Handheld adapter
Input (Microphone)
Built-in dual microphones with beam forming
6DoF head tracking with SteamVR tracking *Note: Base station 1.0 or 2.0 required
PC: DisplayPort + USB 2.0, Headset side: USB Type-C *Note: Uses included converter box
Package Contents
MeganeX Superlight 8K, Light shade, Forehead pad, Head strap, USB Type-C cable (9.8 ft / 3 m), USB Type-C cable (3.3 ft / 1 m), DisplayPort cable, AC adapter, Converter box, X2 dongle (for SteamVR controller), Handheld adapter, Safety precautions, Warranty card
Price $1,899

You may have noticed we’ve put “8K” in quotes. This is done to indicate that the 8K name doesn’t reflect the specs of the headset, which integrate dual 3,552 × 3,840 OLEDs.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • tmikaeld

    No way I'll pre-order at that price without knowing the FOV first :-D

    • Bram

      according mrtv's Sebastian, who tested the device, the fov is comparable with the pico 4 and around a 100° horizontal en vertical.

      • ViRGiN

        Mrtv is a pathetic shill who moved back to Taiwan without telling his audience; he took money from Kickstarter to open the "mrtv experience" and he hasn't recorded from it for months, he didn't even mention it. Same with his "airbnb for tech" insanity the TryMyTech. That guy is such a loser desperately trying to make a living by telling you how great vr is. Oh and he was sharing immersed visor affiliate links haha

        • Sebastian Ang

          Haha, thanks for all of your attention, you seem to be quite fascinated by whatever I do! But don't overdo it or you will never be able to change you nickname! You can do it! :)

          • ViRGiN

            Hahaha thanks for reading and commenting! Hahahahahahahaha! Stay pathetic, shill.

          • Sebastian Ang

            :) It is so funny to have haters who are secretly your biggest fans! Thanks for that. And thanks for taking the time to watch all my videos.

          • ViRGiN

            Haha, thanks for all of your attention, you seem to be quite fascinated by whatever I do! When is the next sponsored video tho?

          • ViRGiN

            I love that you posted the link on your discord so your brainwashed fanboys downvote me. Thanks for all the attention and reading my comments hahahahaha!

        • Anakin1976

          I know only one loser and he has the stupid name "VIRGIN".
          The name is at least as stupid as your comments.

          • ViRGiN

            Do you want 5% off from bigscreen beyond?

          • ViRGiNCRUSHER

            I was so mad when VIRGIN blocked me

    • Cless

      I tried them, its on the 100-105ish

  • Hard sell since it's Japan-only and they haven't gotten either of their previous two headsets to the wide market yet. oof.

    • Cless

      It isn't Japan only, it can be bought worldwide. I talked to the CEO two weeks ago and told me they are already getting orders from the US and EU.

  • gothicvillas

    Terrible brand name

    • xyzs

      People told them so for years and years, but they never listen.
      If shit falls on their head, that will be their own fault.

    • uKER

      They're asking for it. People will get ahold of any insignificant detail that they get wrong just to be able to make that joke.

    • Arno van Wingerde

      Well, of any advertising is good advertising they are doing a great job: people talk about it all the time!

  • xyzs

    It seems like a nice headset for the visual and comfort, BUT
    -no included inside-out tracking
    -no controllers
    -no eye tracking
    …for 1900 dollars before tax… :/

    Just get real, it's no way.

    It's putting the full price at 2500 dollars, using Valve tech that will be deprecated anytime soon, not even mentioning you need a great PC to run such a high definition without being able to optimize with foveated rendering…

    I hate being pessimistic regarding VR products that try to push the boundaries, but I feel fooled when companies ask 2k for an incomplete product that relies on obsolete tech to buy apart, and doesn't provide the features that are needed to use the product fully (eye tracking).

    • uKER

      No Wi-Fi also?


        The thing is pulling way more pixels than Wifi can handle. This thing isn't meant to be a Quest type HMD.

        • uKER

          I wonder if it be using actual video signal or “streaming over cable” like the Quest.

          • ViRGiNCRUSHER

            Its likely using DisplayPort. Its just a standard HMD. Like the Valve Index

          • ViRGiNCRUSHER

            PC: DisplayPort + USB 2.0
            Headset side: USB Type-C
            *Note: Uses included converter box

        • Ardra Diva

          People who are serious put their WiFi router in line of sight to their play area.

    • Cless

      I mean… my dude, those displays alone are like… around $1000 by themselves if I remember properly. What did you expect for a product that's clearly aiming for enthusiasts? No economies of scale to benefit from here…

  • Sofian

    How do you explain the price, considering that they use cheaper panels than the ones in the AVP that cost less than $500?
    The $2000 Play for dream MR headset uses the same BOE 4K panels, it has inside out tracking, eye tracking and plenty more sensors, an integrated snapdragon xr2+ gen2, controllers…

    • ViRGiN

      Play for Dream doesn't have anything, because it doesn't exist. It's yet another too good to be true KICKSTARTER SCAM!

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Let's first see if 'play for dream' can actually deliver. Btw, the XR2 is only as an extra accessoire puck which costs more. A kickstarter project isn't always right about the price they can mass produce it for.

    • Cless

      The AVP ones were around $700 total if I remember properly. And these ones are better and higher resolution than the AVP, which yes, I think they cost like $480 or so… EACH, so about $1000 just on panels my dude.
      Nevermind that… these are for sale now and coming next month out. God knows when the Play for dream will come out… if ever.

      • Sofian

        AVP ones are $450 according to the leaked BOM (for 2 panels not each).

        • Cless

          I see, maybe I remember it badly, or so. But again, that is Apple, with their great prices due to buying massive quantities. You can find in online stores the panels for around 600 each (the BOE ones this HMD uses). So it sounds about right that a small company like Shiftall would get them for slightly cheaper than that, but not much, especially not when they are better and pricier than Apple's.

  • Remember: the F goes before the T

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Haha, yes I too think that it isn't the best chosen name, I too always think the f is silent in their name..

    • Jistuce

      I'm still reading it wrong way around every time.

      • uKER

        You're not alone. It's inevitable.

  • Shad Daffucup

    Listen, I just got one question. Can I use this to work in VSCode yes or no? If no then it's useless bollocks

    • Cless

      Yup, I'm getting it to use as a replacement for my monitors. The resolution and clarity gives you desktop resolution of around 4K at a normal viewing distance, combined with it being ridiculously light.

  • uKER

    Excuse me, but… besides the shitfall thing… no Wi-Fi???


      YES NO WIFI, its not a standalone VR HEADSET MY DUDE!!

      • uKER

        What does it being standalone have to do with whether it has Wi-Fi or not MY DUDE???
        They might say they’re not supporting wireless streaming, but that has nothing to do with it being standalone or not.

        • ViRGiNCRUSHER

          PC: DisplayPort + USB 2.0
          Headset side: USB Type-C
          *Note: Uses included converter box
          See this?? This is like a Valve Index or a Bigscreen Beyond it uses Displayport. Its not a wireless headset even tho it shows it without a cable. This is a cable only HMD!! Do you get it now?

          • uKER

            The headset could support wireless streaming without being standalone, in case you didn’t know. Have a beautiful day.

  • Ardra Diva

    base stations? Fail !!

  • Cless

    Tried them two weeks ago and bought them! A fine replacement for my good old trusty Vive VP1!

    Its basically… a roided Bigscreen, basically with all we wanted fixed (and for the high price it better be lol)

    The only downside I can see really is price.
    We can nitpic a bit though.

    -We could argue the normal 100-105ish FOV? But the massive stereoscopic overlap makes up for it tbh.
    -Brightness is another weak-ish point, but it being mOLED, it really isn't that problematic.
    -Lenses are second just to the Q3 and pretty close. Less glare, but has that "Beyond"-ish tint on the very edges (Less extended than the Beyond, and keeping clarity instead of becoming blurry like in the Beyond).