Skydance’s Behemoth is coming in hot, although it may be coming in hotter than  expected. Developer Skydance Games tells Road to VR it’s already planning post-launch patches for its first week on Quest and PSVR 2.

A Skydance Games representative tells us it’s experienced a “cascading hardware failure that delayed the testing and certification of Skydance’s BEHEMOTH across all platforms.”

This however won’t delay release, we’re told, as “the team has since recovered,” with the proviso that the studio is releasing patches on PSVR 2 and Quest within the first week.

This includes a “day-one patch for PlayStation and a day-seven patch for Meta Quest headsets,” we’re told, although there’s no word yet on what those patches include.

Meta Explains Why It Sees Wide Field-of-View Headsets as a 'bad tradeoff'

There’s also no word on when to expect the PC VR version, as its Steam product page still says the release date is still “to be announced”.

Initially targeting a November 14th release, Skydance Games announced in September it was delaying Behemoth to December 5th to give the team more time to polish the action-adventure title, which was largely seen as one of the biggest VR releases this year.

Launching across Quest 2/3/ProPSVR 2, and PC VRSkydance’s Behemoth is slated to include a 12-hour campaign featuring exploration, combat, environmental puzzles, and an undoubtedly thick slice of VR-native design pioneered in the studio’s most successful VR game to date, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners.

Check out the latest trailer below:

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Michael Speth

    The graphics of this game look bad, really bad especially after their last trailer. People are hyped from the very first trailer which was not a gameplay trailer and that is what they believe this game is going to be like.

    The reality is this game is Meta Mobile Graphics that is simply brown and ugly. The game will sell due to the first trailer and the YT Bubble hype train but it won't stop it from being a bad VR game.

    • Scythekarnival

      It will sell because for some of us gaming is just a fun hobby and not their whole life like it is for you. There is always someone like you in the comments for every game ever. You're a dime a dozen.

    • NotMikeD

      This comment might've made sense back in 2022 when the cinematic trailer was all we had. In late 2024, it's misinformed and out of the loop.

      We've seen too much in-game footage of this game at this point to criticize it's presentation from behind some flimsy "but… CGI trailer!" cover.

      • Michael Speth

        "Official World and Story Trailer" graphics also look like Meta Mobile Garbage to me. But one man's garbage is another VR Mobile Headset wearer's gold.

        • NotMikeD

          Believe me I'll be playing this on a fully spec'd out PC. No doubt we'll have compromised on some additional graphics detail and complexity to get this running on a Quest, but I find it disingenuous to say what was presented in that trailer looks like "garbage." Art direction was on point, most of the textures looked great, the shots were beautifully stylized.

          EVEN if the graphics aren't to your standard, how do you land on "won't stop it from being a bad VR game" when the action and free-flowing combat presented in that trailer looks pretty much objectively fun? Do you think we're going to get more big budget studio investments into developing high-end PCVR games by blindly shitting all over the high profile games we do get before they even release??

          • Michael Speth

            The art direction is a brown mess of wasteland. It does not look good at all to me. The Behmoths look really stupid.

            If you compare the Behmoth art direction to that of Guardians from Zelda Breath of the Wild, Behmoth is a laughing stock. You really have to fool yourself to believe Behmoths look good.

            Onto the fact that most of the NPCs faces are covered. Why? Not for art but to preserve processing power. And to me, their face coverings look very silly especially one of the sub bosses – his helmet is just stupid.

            Let me summarize your criticism comment:

            " We should not criticize big VR game releases because if we criticize big VR releases developers will stop developing VR Games"

            I disagree. If we don't criticize Big VR games, than developers will continue to deliver Mobile Graphics slop on Console/PC VR systems.

            We should praise developers when they do it right like Star Wars Tales from the Galaxy's Edge on PSVR2 – what a great port with great looking graphics and gameplay. But you need a really big studio to pull off Galaxy's Edge.

            Gran Turismo 7 is probably the best VR game on PSVR2 and tops for all VR games.

          • NotMikeD

            "The art direction is a brown mess of wasteland. It does not look good at all to me."
            Nope, I caught some blues and whites in there, a couple of splotches of red! So not all brown. Besides, this IS a wintry wasteland, this ain't Horizon Zero Dawn, what do you expect?

            "The Behmoths look really stupid."
            Yeah well that's, like, just your opinion, man!

            "If you compare the Behmoth art direction to that of Guardians from Zelda Breath of the Wild, Behmoth is a laughing stock."
            ….What? I thought you were a graphics guy? Those BoTW clay-pot looking things might look ripped straight out of Journey of the Gods, they're not to be compared to the Behemoths we're about to face this December.

            "Onto the fact that most of the NPCs faces are covered. Why?"
            Gee I dunno, let me think about that for even half a second.. Because there's a plague in this land, and it's freezing? Do you not remember only a few years ago everyone IRL was also wearing facial coverings everywhere you went during a global pandemic?

            "We should not criticize big VR game releases because if we criticize big VR releases developers will stop developing VR Games"
            No, I don't believe mediocrity should get a pass–please don't put THOSE words in my mouth. But I do believe in due process and giving this (mostly excellent looking) game a chance before we snap to such tone-deaf judgements as "being a bad VR game" before we've even played it.

          • Michael Speth

            Appologies, I mislabeled the Zelda Breath of the Wild Guardians. Note, the Guardians actually look really good but what I really ment to compare is the Behomths with the Divine Beasts because both of them can be climbed on and defeated.

            The Breath of the Wild Divine Beasts look spectactual and amazing to fight on and inside.

            I will stand by the statement that the art design for Breath of the Wild is orders of magnattudes superior to Behemoth. And yes we are talking about Mobile graphics in both cases. I would have ZERO issue with playing Breath of the Wild graphics in VR because Nintendo has a ver competant art team compared to Skydance.

            The global pandamic was a scam – mask wearing in this case is simply people believing in a religion which shouldn't have anything to do with Behemoth. If Skydance is using that as an excuse for not having to spend the ART budget and CPU/GPU budget on rendering faces, than that is just sad and another reason not to support this dev.

          • NotMikeD

            I will close by saying I disagree with every aspect of everything you've just stated here. To each their own!

          • Michael Speth

            You don't believe the art direction, models, animation of Breath of the Wild is superior to Behemoth?

            If that is the case, I don't think we would agree on anything.

          • NotMikeD

            That’s right. I think about BotW’s graphics and art like most PCVR die-hards feel about Quest graphics. In truth I hated most aspects of that wildly overrated game, and the irony is I bought a Switch around launch in anticipation of that game and Metroid Prime 4, look how that worked out for me!

            And yes I think in practice you and I would see eye to eye on very little given our apparent tastes.

          • Michael Speth

            You are in the extreme minority regarding Zelda Breath of the Wild.

            I am also very surprised you believe the art direction and graphics on Behemoth are better than BotW. I think you would also be in the extreme minority on this as well. Especially if you look at the 4k upscaling on BotW Emulation on PC.

          • NotMikeD

            Oh I’m sure you’re right that I’m in the minority there, though maybe not quite as much as you’d think these days, as people have been coming out in increasing numbers finally daring to defy the critics and point out the game’ s flaws. But it doesn’t matter to me, I finished it and played Horizon Zero Dawn had more heart, emotion, and nuanced storytelling in its tutorial sthan than BotW and I don’t need validation from the masses to justify that opinion.

          • Michael Speth

            To finish BotW, there must have been something interesting in the game loop to keep you going.

            You haven't really touched on the graphics of breath of the wild. What is it about Behemoth that you believe looks better than BoTW?

          • simon cox

            That's a rather stupid comparison. Most games' art direction pales in comparison to BOTW

          • Michael Speth

            BotW has many different bioms. Behemoth only has brown.

          • simon cox

            It is YOU that only has brown psvr fanboy. Your pic is almost entirely brown, which fares poorly when compared to BotW

          • BadHostile

            Don't bother arguing with this troll loser, because he'll block you like the rest of the people he disagrees with :D

    • namekuseijin

      games are not graphics and Quest graphics won't match that target

    • patfish

      Behemoth was originally designed for PCVR but was later scaled down for the Quest. This is the main reason why it no longer looks as good.

      • Michael Speth

        The result of Meta Quest retarding the VR industry :(

        • BadHostile

          The only thing that retarding the VR industry is haters like you.
          Meta Quest is the only thing keeping PSVR2 (and VR in general) alive, with literally zero support from Sony. Those are the facts.

          • kakek

            You can both be right.
            Mobile VR and meta are what is keeping the VR market alive. That's obvious.
            But paradoxically, some PCVR games might have been higher quality without it.

          • Michael Speth

            I disagree. Mobile VR is keeping Mobile VR gaming alive. It is not keeping PSVR2 alive. I agree that PCVR / PSVR2 games are retarded due to developers wrongly targeting Meta.

          • kakek

            Look, there are 2 opposing factor here, that influence the quality of multiplateform games.

            Larger playerbase and therefore bigger budget make the game better, and for multiplayer titles more likely to stay alive.

            But technical limitations counter that.

            When you think that any title would have been better if it has been PCVR / PSVR2, you have to consider wether wether it would have been better if it has meant at least 5 times less people working on it.

            It’s a case by case question, and I don’t claim to have the general answer.

            But I’m pretty confident anyone claiming there is a clear generic answer, one way or another, is being a dumb fanboy

          • Michael Speth

            How do you explain the development team for Star Wars Tales from the Galaxy's Edge?

            It was massive with hundreds of people working on it. It was intially targeted on the Quest. Then it was ported to PSVR2. The PSVR2 port is great but there are certainly quest hangovers like the background environments being textures versus actually using physical objects. Although the port was great, it would have been better if it was designed ground up to be PSVR2/ PCVR.

            If you ask any competent developer, they will agree that targeting mobile VR will impact the design of the game VRs just targeting PSVR2 and PCVR to begin with.

          • kakek

            That one is easy.
            It would not have been better if it had not targeted the quest, because then it wouldn’t have existed at all.
            The PCVR / PSVR 2 market is to small, the development wouldn’t even have started. End of story.

            I am not saying that with enough budget you erase any trace of quest limitation.
            I’m saying that you can’t just say it would have been better without quest, and ignore all the extra budget it brings.


            Is hubris an exceptional game ? No. It looks good, but the setting becomes repetitive, the animation are rigid. I can tell it doesn’t suffer from quest limitations, and yet the end result does not leave me with a better memory than Galaxy’s edge.

            Because they have less time, less people to work on everything else that makes a game apart from graphics. Design, sound, story, animation …

            If I must recommend a Scifi shooter to someone, I will recommend Galaxy’s edge over hubris.

          • BadHostile

            "Although the port was great, it would have been better if it was designed ground up to be PSVR2/ PCVR" – if it was targeted only at PSVR2, it would never have been made, because it would not be worth increasing the budget for the production of a game that will not sell. Because high-budget games for PSVR2 simply do not sell.

            The biggest hit – Resident Evil 4 Remake was played in VR mode by less than 149 thousand players (according to official statistics) within a year of its release, which is a tragic result. For comparison, Resident Evil 7 on PSVR1 was played by 206 thousand players in the first three months, over 400 thousand within a year, and 1.25 million after three years.

            High-budget RE4 and RE Village (which are just an additional free VR mode for the flat version) are not system sellers for PSVR2 – is that also Meta's fault?

          • Michael Speth

            Where are you getting your stats?

          • BadHostile

            From the official Capcom game website.

          • BadHostile
          • Michael Speth

            "if it was targeted only at PSVR2, it would never have been made, because it would not be worth increasing the budget for the production of a game that will not sell. "

            You cannot base your claim on the numbers for 2 capcom games – 1 being a remake that everyone has probably played dozens of times already.

            I would be much more interested in GT7 numbers especially since My First Gran Turismo just released for Free coupled with the PSVR2 holiday sale.

            What about Horizon Call of the wild sales? There is also a free demo.

            Anyways, we can say that prior to Meta creating the garbage mobile headsets, the VR games were higher quality with better graphics. Asgard’s Wrath 1 is proof that Meta has retarded its own games when compared to Asgard's Wrath 2. Other studioes followed suit.

          • BadHostile

            "ou cannot base your claim on the numbers for 2 capcom games – 1 being a remake that everyone has probably played dozens of times already." – oh, did the real statistics hurt you? :P I'm not writing about just any game, but about the biggest hit on PSVR2. A well-known, big-budget great game. PSVR2 fanboys were crying a moment ago that TGA was bribed by Meta, because they didn't nominate this game for VR GOTY. And yet people don't want to play it. This game perfectly shows the situation PSVR2 is in.

            "Anyways, we can say that prior to Meta creating the garbage mobile headsets, the VR games were higher quality with better graphics. Asgard’s Wrath 1 is proof that Meta has retarded its own games when compared to Asgard's Wrath 2" – Asgard's Wrath 2 is better than its predecessor in every way, except for the graphics. It's an example of Meta now making better quality games, so you're completely off the mark. Visually it looks better than 95% of PSVR2 games. Hah, you're so jealous of this game that you'd write such slander about it :P

          • Michael Speth

            You lost the war. You claimed Sony wasn’t supporting VR. Because you lost, you are trying to move the goal posts and creating strawman arguments claims about Capcom games I never made. You are sad.

          • BadHostile

            You are so pathetic, you can't admit that Sony's support is leading nowhere you want (because connecting to a PC and handtracking won't bring the big-budget games you expect), you can't accept that nobody wants to play the best PSVR2 games like both Residents. Out of jealousy you try to start console wars in VR, slandering Meta and Quest, you can't accept that VR is a niche that should live in symbiosis and without Quest PSVR2 makes no sense, because it would be unprofitable and would simply die. With such a hateful and selfish attitude you are harming the entire VR, including PSVR2. Get over yourself, man.

          • BadHostile

            Oh, he blocked another person, what a loser.
            So pathetic that he has to like his own posts to self-esteem.

          • simon cox

            Blocked me too apparently. It's a shame as the idea of being such a fanboy is comical these days, especially for playstation vr

          • Michael Speth

            Sony just released a hand tracking demo at Siggraph. You have to be so delusional to not accept the REALITY that Sony has continued support for the PSVR2. Meta fanbois are the worst.

          • BadHostile

            Oh, you call something that Meta has been offering for 5 years a milestone in PSVR2 development? That's great! How will this affect those big budget PSVR2 games that Sony promised? And how many VR games has Sony produced this year?

            And you shouldn't even use the word "fanboy" because it sounds absurd coming from you…

          • Michael Speth

            So will continue to deny reality and claim Sony stopped supporting PSVR2? Or will you accept reality and agree Sony has not stopped supporting PSVR2?

          • BadHostile

            I'll ask the question again, because I see you like to avoid the answer – how many VR games did Sony produce this year? And what was the last VR game produced directly by Sony (I'll give you a hint – it was a launch title for PSVR2…) :P

        • shadow9d9

          Imagine being obsessed with graphics over gameplay.

  • namekuseijin

    cascading hardware failure

    incoming TWD Ch3…

    I want to support VR devs, but launch day is a perpetual shitshow…

    tbh, the entire game industry is like this now. I blame low standards in education and hence the squizophrenic, multilayered patched nature of cascaging software failure atop failure for all of this…

  • Octogod

    "Game company that launched a game two years ago with a broken launch, and made tens of millions, shockingly will bork launch of new game, making tens of millions"

    Welcome to a world without QA, beta testers!

  • This is not a good sign…

  • Michael Speth

    Still cannot admit you were wrong about Sony Supporting PSVR2. You are hopeless.

    • BadHostile

      You're the master of avoiding questions here :) I'll explain to you what this "Sony support" is:
      – they added PCVR support only to get rid of the responsibility for creating games and transfer it to another platform,
      – they'll add handtracking to allow porting simple games from Quest and transfer the responsibility for creating such games to this platform.

      So this year's "development" of PSVR2 is mainly about getting rid of the responsibility for creating dedicated games. But as I see – this is more than enough for fanboys :P

      • Michael Speth

        Still won't admit you were wrong. You claimed Sony did not support VR. Now you are saying something different. Meta fanbois have a hard time with reality. I guess that is why your so into virtual reality.

        • namekuseijin

          Lol I wish I was here for this fun fanboy ping-pong