Meta (formerly Facebook) created quite a stir in the VR industry when it announced last year that it planned to require Facebook account logins for new users. The move didn’t go over well in the VR space or among critics at large. This week the company said it plans to roll-out a non-Facebook option for logging into its headsets starting next year.

Last year Meta announced that new users logging into its VR headsets would be required to use a Facebook account starting later that year, while existing users would be required to use a Facebook account starting in 2023 to retain full functionality of their headsets.

Between being called out for having previously promised not to require a Facebook login, getting in hot water with German regulators, and an ongoing undercurrent of disdain among some customers and potential customers, the move didn’t go over too well.

The company seems to have finally appreciated the negative sentiment generated by the Facebook account requirement, and this week it announced plans to reverse course.

During the Facebook Connect keynote, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said he understood the negative feedback and confirmed the company plans to offer other options.

[…] as we’ve focused more on [productivity in VR], and, frankly, as we’ve heard your feedback more broadly, we’re working on making it so you can log into Quest with an account other than your personal Facebook account. We’re starting to test support for work accounts soon, and we’re working on making a broader shift [away from the Facebook account requirement] within the next year. I know this is a big deal for a lot of people. Not everyone wants their social media profile linked to all these other experiences, and I get that. Especially as the metaverse expands.

In a Facebook post about the company’s rebrand to Meta, VP of XR Andrew “Boz” Bosworth mirrored the same sentiment.

“As we’ve focused more on work, and as we’ve heard feedback from the VR community more broadly, we’re working on new ways to log into Quest that won’t require a Facebook account, landing sometime next year. This is one of our highest priority areas of work internally.”

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For those who have already merged their Facebook and Oculus accounts, Meta indicates you won’t be assimilated for long. Fellow VR reporter Ian Hamilton asked on Twitter, “I’m still kinda unclear here, will I be able to unlink my Facebook account and delete it and keep and use my purchased VR content with Quest 2?” to which Bosworth simply replied, “Yup.”

So far there’s no detail on what the alternative account arrangement will be, though one potential path would be to create a separate ‘Meta account’ that’s unaware of the user’s Facebook account, while leaving it to the user to decide if they want to link the two. We’ll have to wait and see.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • xyzs

    Since Oculus is set to disappear, our Oculus accounts are going to become Meta accounts or there will be a new meta account to link to our Oculus account just like with Facebook ?

    • Sven Viking

      Good question. Hopefully you won’t have to merge with Facebook and link to Meta before deleting Facebook :).

  • Sven Viking

    It’ll definitely be a Meta account. The question is whether or not the properties and terms of Meta accounts will make them functionally as bad for hardware access as Facebook accounts. For example: will people be limited to one account per human identity, with all the crazy enforcement measures that necessitates, or will it be more like a Google/Apple/Microsoft account?

    Between being called out for having previously promised not to require a Facebook login, getting in hot water with German regulators, and an ongoing undercurrent of disdain among some customers and potential customers, the move didn’t go over too well.

    Many accounts were also automatically banned or locked pending identity verification by Facebook’s AI systems, and had varying degrees of difficulty (up to and including impossibility) resolving that. Here’s a list of some of the cases reported on Reddit within the first couple of months. As far as I know this issue was never covered by RoadToVR for whatever reason.

    • Ad

      How does their metaverse even work without a single account? And why exactly is a meta account not a Facebook account by another name?

      • Sven Viking

        That’s what we need to find out.

  • Ad

    This is entirely because of workplaces, but I really think it’s bizarre that people act like this will be anything more than cosmetic. It’s not reversing anything really, it’s just a Facebook account by another name that you’ll either log into through a meta account or a Google/workplace account (giving them some extra data too). It’s like logging into your Facebook account with your Amazon account, the quest itself is thoroughly Facebook and will be even more so over time. The whole point is to make a single identity across all experiences.

    • shadow9d9

      The concern was that having moderation on facebook would affect access to your library of games. This would stop that. You clearly misunderstood.

      • Anonymous

        The dude is a die-hard anti-FB fanatic here. To him anything FB does can be twisted into evil terms.

        • LowRezSkyline

          You say that like it’s a bad thing.

          Facebook is a blight on human existence and offers no redeeming value.

        • Ookami

          You’re jumping the gun here. So far he seems reasonable to me.

      • Ad

        I still think they will do something significant to prevent someone being able to make an account, use a free app, grief and get banned, and then repeat.

        • Stephanie Sayers

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        • Hivemind9000

          There will definitely be some account of some form for your purchased games to be owned under. I don’t think we can really escape that. My concern with having to have a FB account was that they required it to be your real identity, rather than just an email address (and any fake name), and you stood to lose access to your game library if you used a fake identity and got banned.

          I think it’s a reality these days that if you create an account with anyone, there’s a security risk of either them using/selling your behavioral data to target ads towards you, or of them getting hacked and your details ending up on a public list somewhere and getting spammed mercilessly. Either way, it doesn’t pay to give them any real identifiable info, or an email address that you care about…

          • Ad

            I would be very surprised if it’s literally as lean as a steam account.

          • Hivemind9000

            I think (hope) they realize that the writing is on the wall with more and more measures (esp. by the EU) to protect consumer privacy. Hopefully that translates into something less Orwellian than Facebook… (call me an optimist)

          • Ad

            That would be stupid, that’s not worth all these billions burned.

    • Ben Jacobs

      Isn’t it a bit early to be jumping to conclusions either way?

      I expect many don’t have a problem with the company so much as other issues (i.e: losing access to apps if they get banned. Not wanting contact with old acquaintances)

      It may well be a facebook account under a different name, or may evolve into something of the like. FB’s end game with Oculus seems a little different to what they’ve done in the past. Adopting a strategy similar to Apples has the potential to make money without the criticisms regarding data harvesting. Only time will tell in any case.

      • Ad

        I think the time to jump to conclusions was 5 years ago. At this point it’s lazily strolling after them.

  • Till Eulenspiegel

    The VR headset is the connection device for this metaverse – it’s the hardware for this new social network. Do you think it will be detached from Facebook? It’s called meta because it’s tracking your metadata.

    • Nepenthe

      Well, I think it’s called Meta because they couldn’t call it Metaverse but wanted the next closest, laziest thing. But no, I don’t think they will come up with some way to use their systems that doesn’t involve creating a highly tracked Meta personal account that is synonymous with an FB account but under a different name.

  • Jistuce

    I like how they phrase this like it has always required a facebook account and that they have to develop some big new thing, instead of just re-enabling the Oculus account solution they started with and still have partially operational for Rift and Quest 1 sign-ins.

    • mappo

      Right. There’s no need to be “working on new ways to log into Quest that won’t require a Facebook account”. It’s not rocket science, just allow people to use their Oculus account to set up a new Quest. If this was really “one of their highest priorities internally” it could happen like the flip of the switch.

      • Wise Old Owl

        Job creation scheme for spotty nerds..

      • Jim Cherry

        but Oculus is going away and they cant rename the account system meta cause then people would be like isnt that just a facebook meta account

        • Exactly.

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      • Sven Viking

        It’s looking possible they’re actually starting with that (prior to, I’d assume, switching to a Meta account next year sometime).

        • Jistuce

          Awesome! Kinda nice to see them doing the easy thing that people actually wanted all along.

          • Sven Viking

            Yeah, I just hope they’re preparing to implement it properly and aren’t just leaving it as an obscure support thing.

      • AaliyahWyatt

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    • But they won’t just enable the old accounts — this is still Facebook, no matter what the name says. Now they’re creating Meta accounts, since the Oculus name is going away. IT’S ALL THE SAME DAMN THING. It’s not a Facebook problem, it’s a Zuckerdroid problem.

      • Jistuce

        Indeed. One switch could fix the problem, but instead they are doing a bunch of new software development and creating a new way to have most of the same old problem.

      • Sven Viking

        Weirdly support has started enabling the old accounts on request even for people who never had them before. Whether it goes past being an obscure support thing remains to be seen, though, and I assume Meta accounts will be coming next year either way.

    • EmilyQuinn

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  • Lucidfeuer

    I don’t trust them, for anything really.

    • xyzs

      I don’t trust them either. And I surely don’t trust Google the same way yet I have a gmail account. The problem with Facebook login was more (for me) about blending my personal vr life with a social network I do not use much and that I do not want things shared on it about me. I also didn’t want fb “friends” offering to enter in my private space. Thing I could do by simply never going on fb, but not anymore while using my Quest!..
      I know my data will be collected anyway, I am not naive, I just want to manage what I share with people depending on what domain I am and what I choose.
      I think this it this f-ing logical thing that Zuckerberg finally understood.

      • Sven Viking

        Yeah, plus Facebook has some pretty draconian automated moderation systems and ID requirements, substantially due to the massive number of accounts, spammers, etc. involved, that just aren’t suitable for an account prerequisite to hardware access.

        • Jistuce

          That was the thing that bugged me most about the merger. ENTIRELY too easy to get your account banned and lose all your software, with no explanation or recourse.

      • sebrk

        It will of course be tied in the background still. This is just cosmetics.

    • martin

      dont be silly, Zuck seems like a trustworthy person

      • aidan01

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      • Lucidfeuer

        I like your sarcasm

        • martin
          • Hivemind9000

            Looks like his personality module crashed at the end. I hope they managed to reboot him ok.

          • Bob

            I agree. He always looked a bit like an android, or some sort of “fake” human. Something quite plastic about his facial features.

    • Tailgun

      That would make you a wise person and, given their history and behavior, not much wisdom is required to distrust anything that comes out of the mouth of Mark Zuckerberg.

  • This is an obvious move since Facebook now doesn’t control “oculus” anymore… they will create a Meta account, I guess

    • Christian Schildwaechter

      Obvious? I got downvoted into oblivion when I suggested after the launch of Horizon Workrooms that this could mean that Facebook would announce a business focused headset at Connect, that it would be significantly more expensive and that they would remove the need for a personal Facebook account, so it could be used in a business context without having to buy the business only/no Oculus apps version.

      Pretty much everybody told me that there would be no Quest Pro announcement till next year, Facebook would never release a HMD that wasn’t primarily intended for gaming and that they would never drop the Facebook account requirement. So I doubt that this was obvious.

      • Bob

        There will be not be a Quest Pro if a new Quest is slated to be announced at next year’s Connect followed by a possible Q2 2023 launch. Next year, the focus will be on Project Cambria and that is all you’re going to get in terms of new hardware. Nothing else.

        The half-dome prototype, which is their fully fledged next generation VR project shown in 2019 at Oculus Connect, seems to have been put on the back burner and postponed indefinitely.

        • Christian Schildwaechter

          Cambria = Quest Pro

          • Bob

            No. Quest Pro is not real and has never existed therefore it cannot equate to Cambria. Cambria is a productivity focused headset with more advanced mixed reality capabilities. The Quest will remain as a separate product-line and continue to exist as a low-end budget option for the mass market which means a follow-up to the Quest 2 remains open until officially stated otherwise.

            Again, a possible Q2 2023 launch remains open for the next iteration of the Quest which by this time would be appropriately named as Quest 3.

          • Christian Schildwaechter

            Yes. We have been using that name for a FB/Meta headset with more capabilities than the Quest 2, but not the Quest 3 since spring, after Andrew Bosworth talked about it:

            People are also asking about the Quest 3, which doesn’t exist yet, and everyone who is listening to us who is a reporter there isn’t a Quest 3, there’s only a Quest 2, but I did hint at an AMA earlier this year about Quest Pro because we do have a lot of things in development where we want to introduce new functionality to the headset along the kinds that people theorize that we would want to introduce, and that’s a little ways off still. It’s still not gonna happen this year. For those who are curious, Quest 2 is going to be in the market for a while – for a long while, and it’s gonna be, you know, I think the best bet for the most accessible way to get into VR and have a great experience.

            Cambria is just a name. They probably picked it to make clear that this is a different line with a different focus, i.e. professional use, professional prices, so people stop thinking that the Pro is similar to the PS4 Pro, just slightly more expensive for slightly improved performance. Until a few days ago we all called it a Quest Pro, now we all call it Cambria.

          • Bob

            My original point is that the idea of a Quest Pro is essentially moot because of the existence of Project Cambria. A “pro” version of a product almost always means an incremental upgrade to an existing iteration of a product i.e. Playstation 4. Cambria is not that. There’s nothing incremental about its form factor, lenses and pretty much everything else on the hardware front. It’s an entirely new family of product.

            Based on all the information we have so far, Project Cambria is very likely Meta Platform’s (formerly known as Facebook of course) only hardware to be released in 2022. We don’t expect any other HMD to be launched alongside it in the same year which has, to an extent, been confirmed by Bosworth himself stating “Quest 2 is going to be in the market for a while – for a long while“.

            And we all know that provided Project Cambria is the only HMD product consumers are getting from Meta Platforms, this suggests that the follow-up to the Quest product-line is expected to launch in the following year of 2022 which would make 2023. And we also know that by the year 2023, enough technological advances would be made to justify an actual iterative successor which we would assume would be called the Quest 3.

          • Christian Schildwaechter

            I’m trying to figure out where exactly you disagree with me. I agree that there will be only one HMD in 2022, that it will be Cambria, that it will be better than Quest 2, targeted at professionals, not replacing the Quest 2, which will be replaced by Quest 3 later. I also agree that Quest and Cambria are two different product lines.

            I’m not claiming that there will ever be a Quest Pro. I’m saying that FB/Meta has been working on a HMD similar to Quest 2, but including advanced technology like eye tracking, face tracking and better optic, as they are constantly creating new prototypes. That project has been running for some time and was intended to be released at some point in parallel to Quest 2. Carmack called it “higher end headset”, In the Zuckerberg Keynote it was called “Project Cambria”, which will be the official name, and Bosworth referred to it as Quest Pro, but this was only symbolic to describe the idea, never the official name. But these are all the same. So yes, a Quest Pro has never existed and it will never exist, but the device Bosworth was referring to exists and is now called Cambria. Not sure if you disagree.

            I assume the main difference is our idea how different Cambria is from Quest 2. I’m pretty sure that Cambria will be very similar to a fully equipped HTC Focus 3 with the optional eye and facial tracking sensors, but using pancake lenses like the HTC Flow. So it will be using an XR2, probably use 2.5K displays, be fully compatible to Quest (as Zuckerberg said), will have better cooling, so the CPU doesn’t have to be underclocked as on Quest 2, and provide Color-passthrough. The XR2 can handle seven cameras, four are currently used for the nIR tracking, so either they add one for color passthrough, one for eye and one for face tracking, or switch two/four of the tracking cameras to color, as they don’t have to track the nIR controllers anymore, and then have two for eye and one for face tracking.

            And that is pretty much it regarding the hardware changes, it is based on the same XR2 Qualcomm reference platform as the Quest 2, and they will sell it mostly based on the improved interaction that is possible in Workrooms thanks to actually tracked facial expression instead of the current calculated eye and mouth movements. For me it is an incremental product that introduces new technology that will also show up in a future Quest (not necessarily Quest 3), but which is currently too expensive for the consumer line. Your definition of incremental may be different.

            It is basically a “Pro” model, but Pro as in MacBook, not as in Playstation, meaning the price could be double, more for business customers. The product name is of no particular consequence, it just demonstrates the concept of product two families. Both based on the same technical foundation, but the higher end version gets new technology at a significantly higher price, which may show up later in lower end products too. Pretty much the way that smartphones are sold today, only that there is no distinction of business phones.

            As I wrote, I’m not exactly sure where we disagree. I don’t care about the name, for me it is merely a placeholder, I agree with your timeline and with the separation of product lines. I just don’t see a big technological difference between the two, but maybe you consider changes like those I described above as a much larger step than I do.

          • Sven Viking

            Just adding that Project Cambria is also just a code name as far as I know, like Crescent Bay etc. We don’t know what it will actually be called on release, except that they indicated they won’t be calling it Quest Pro.

          • Sven Viking

            Quest Pro is not real and has never existed therefore it cannot equate to Cambria.

            “Quest Pro” was the name used to refer to the Project Cambria headset in the Oculus firmware. It won’t be the official name, though — just an understandable placeholder name to refer to their more professional-focused Quest-compatible headset.

          • VRFriend

            It has nothing to do with Quest. It looks different. Has different specs and features. Forget Quest Pro. It is a new headset.

          • Sven Viking

            This is becoming a kind of strange semantic argument. “Quest Pro” is just what people were calling a hypothetical new stand-alone from Facebook that would sell alongside Quest at a higher price point with a “prosumer” focus. Of course it would have different specs and features — that’s the whole point of it being a higher-priced cutting-edge model.

            Cambria is a new stand-alone from Facebook that will sell alongside Quest at a higher price point with a “prosumer” focus. It will not be named “Quest Pro” — that was just the placeholder name people gave to it while not knowing what it would be called.

      • Jistuce

        I confess that I was absolutely certain they would never backpedal on the Facebook account thing ever under any circumstances. I suppose I need to buy a hat so I can eat it now.

        • Corellianrogue

          They’re probably starting to miss all that German money. OK, so Germans can still import Oculus products, but Facebook are still missing out on money from “normies” who just buy products off the shelves or mainstream websites in their country. Also, maybe other countries were threatening to ban Oculus too? I don’t know if Russia has banned the Oculus Quest 2 but I know it couldn’t be bought officially in Russia originally. I’m not sure if that’s still the case, but I know the Oculus Store doesn’t show games with Russian prices. When my Russian friend uses it the prices are shown in dollars. She doesn’t really use that though since games are much cheaper on Steam in Russia and she uses hers more for PC VR than standalone.

  • FrankB

    Why do they need to ‘work on new ways’ to logon? surely there was already a way to log on before the mandatory FB logon was introduced.

    • Sven Viking
    • Nepenthe

      It’s complicated. They have a crack team working round the clock trying to discover a way to log in without FB, and they’ll hope to get back to us in 3-6 months. Gotta appreciate their hustle.

    • Jistuce

      There was, but reactivating the Oculus signup system would be an admission that they screwed up royally. Also, they just announced that the Oculus name is dead, so… they REALLY don’t want to reintroduce Oculus accounts now.

  • I’m not sure about that title image, guys. ;)

  • Duckman

    Well ofc you won’t need a FB account. You’ll need a Meta account. Which will be same thing.

  • Thetrick

    its a shame we didnt call oculus owned by Facebook “Foculus” when we had the chance.

    • Tailgun

      I’m still sticking with ‘IOI’. Far more accurate, I think.

  • Wise Old Owl

    That would be meta… Apparently Hebrew for sh*t.

  • VRFriend

    Once you pull out your credit card to pay for something they got u. What’s the bulshit drama with mandatory facebook account? They always know who you are and what you do.

    • Caven

      Facebook is unique in that it’s not enough for them to know who I am. They want to know who all my family, friends, and coworkers are. Valve doesn’t demand that information. Apple doesn’t demand that information. Google doesn’t demand that information. Even the government doesn’t demand that information. And with Facebook I can’t opt out. I’ve never had a Facebook account, yet they have plenty of information about me simply because I know people who use Facebook.

      And for all the privacy invasion Facebook imposes, what do people get out of it? Everybody I know who uses Facebook just complains about all the terrible people they’re exposed to on Facebook. At least the other entities provide some value in their various ways without requiring me to provide information about everyone I know. I’m not interested in supporting a company that seems to specialize in raising people’s blood pressure.

      • Hivemind9000

        They also want to know your political, religious and any other beliefs/conspiracies, so they can shovel more of it into your face to keep you “engaged” (a.k.a asleep) while slipping you more subliminal messages (ads) to help you be a productive and happy consumer…

        • ViRGiN

          hey pimax moderator, you mean just like pimax is becoming a platform, not just a headset?
          will you blink even once when your pi-data gets uploaded to chinsese servers, much like they remotely disabled customers headsets, something no other company, no matter how “evil” has ever done?

          • Corellianrogue

            Since when did Pimax announce that the Pimax store would be a social network and that they expect a billion people to be posting things on it and messaging each other everyday? And did they say that they’ll take all your games away if you say something they disapprove of? And when did they remotely disable anyone’s HMD? That’s what Facebook has done.

          • ViRGiN

            When did Facebook announce the same

            Pimax already disabled customers headsets, months after they received them, because pimax once again fcked up and didn’t fill in the customs form properly. Imagine buying pimax 6 months ago, and just now receiving “hey dude, you own us $400 in unpaid import fees”. Stop shilling please.

            Pimax is becoming a platform and a store. Just watch their latest video before you spread your daily anti Meta propaganda.

          • Corellianrogue

            Proof of this? How exactly are they able to disable HMDs when you don’t have to connect to Pimax to use them? Pitool doesn’t require you to sign in so it doesn’t connect to Pimax, you can use it offline. Plus you don’t pay Pimax import fees, you pay the courier or your government if the couriers delivers without import fees and customs happen to find out. (If you’re lucky they don’t find out so you don’t pay any import fees.) If Pimax paid the import fees then you’d pay Pimax upfront, like often with Amazon and sometimes with eBay if the listing offers that.

            And becoming a platform and a store isn’t becoming a social network. Nintendo isn’t a social network, Playstation isn’t a social network. Xbox/Microsoft is pretty borderline though, even though they technically don’t actually have a social network website I think. (Although when they had Mixer I guess that would be counted as one.) You don’t seem to understand the meaning of words. You’re the one spreading propaganda.

          • ViRGiN

            Check pimax Kickstarter update #105, I’ll post Link in next comment, i dont know if disqus allows links.

            Of course it’s wrapped in nice words here, but you can head to Reddit and their official forums for more reports. They quickly backpedaled from it, but it does show this possibility.
            You need pitool running to use the headset.

            “For the record there are no fees at all to use or install our Pimax Pitool software (or any Pimax software).

            The popup is limited to an exceedingly small percentage of users who have an outstanding unpaid balance that resulted from shipping taxes and duties. If you are seeing this message appear please create a support ticket in our support system to resolve the issue. Click here to create a support ticket.”

          • Corellianrogue

            I know you need to use Pitool, but you don’t sign in to it or anything like that. It’s just software that works offline. Obviously when they have their store and stuff up and running then there’ll be something to sign into but that hasn’t happened yet. (Unless they’ve already got all that up and running recently? I haven’t used my Pimax for ages.) There’s no way they can disable the HMD unless they literally sent it disabled somehow and the customers had to get some kind of software from Pimax to unlock it. But in that case why would Pimax even send it if the customer hadn’t paid everything they were supposed to? And like I said, the only way they would have to pay Pimax import fees would be if Pimax had already paid the import fees for it, like how Amazon does with certain products if you use another country’s Amazon to buy something. In fact my Russian friend bought her Oculus Quest 2 from Amazon USA and they were supposed to pay the import fees as it said so on the product page. (Well, you still pay for the fees but you pay Amazon in advance and I think it’s cheaper too.) I’m sure they probably did actually and it was just dodgy Russian customs who ripped her off and told her she had to pay them extra import fees to let her collect her parcel.

            I’ve bought stuff from various other countries’ Amazons and most of the things that required import fees (because it’s only over a certain price) had them paid by Amazon and I had no problems. I’ve only had one or two things that I had to pay the Post Office import fees for, but they weren’t things that said Amazon were going to pay them.

          • ViRGiN

            Because pimax is a mess, and pitool does access the internet for example to grab updates, and it does report back with serial number. You don’t need any login, but info is being sent. This is an issue for those who ordered directly from pimax. Amazon handles everything indeed. I suggest you to head to Reddit and official forums. If i remember correctly, the popup was something like you have 14 days to pay, or headset will be disabled. If you always used it offline, then you would never get it obviously. But it did happen, and they did backpedaled quickly due to outrage. It’s a real story, not propaganda.

          • ViRGiN
          • Corellianrogue

            They’re not disabling headsets, as they say themselves on that very page. “We need to clarify on the disabled headset remotely matter. If you
            updated to the latest version Pitool 269 and received a popup message
            regarding any “duties”, please contact with our support. We didn’t
            disable your headset even you receive the message. You are still able to
            use the headset on version 269.” Maybe people saw the pop-up and just assumed it. And it must be some kind of account for Kickstarter backers and they get updated software early or something. I bought my Pimax 5K from eBay and I don’t remember having to sign in to Pimax or anything. I’ll check
            again later though.Plus like I said, the only way anyone would owe Pimax money is if Pimax paid the import fees themselves in advance. i guess maybe they accidentally did that with a few orders or they accidentally left it off the price of some orders. (I doubt the latter, as surely it’s automated.) And if that is the case it’s Pimax’s fault anyway and I don’t think they can make anyone pay it.

          • ViRGiN

            They didn’t disable, but had full intent to but backpedaled quickly due to outrage. Don’t listen to official propaganda, because every pimax issue ever was always experienced by singular users ever. If you want to dismiss that, why do you act like Facebook logins were a huge issue? According to Oculus, people being banned area also a miniscule number, but they operate at infinitely bigger scale than pimax ever was or will be.

          • Corellianrogue

            How did they have full intent to? You don’t know if it’s even possible to disable it. You’re just spreading FUD. Plus, hypothetically, if they did disable it for unpaid fees that’s a HUGE difference to disabling a headset and taking all your games away for saying something on Facebook that Facebook didn’t like.

          • ViRGiN

            The fact that they are able to send popup to certain users puts your theory to trash.


          • ViRGiN
          • Corellianrogue

            Not a single person on that Reddit has had their HMD disabled and no proof that anyone else has either. One user even says “There has been no full disabling as of yet.” This is clearly just a case of someone seeing that pop-up and jumping to conclusions. Plus they even say that if you go back to Pitool 268 the pop-up disappears anyway. You’re spreading FUD about an obviously very minor issue that only a handful of people even had.

          • ViRGiN

            Search on official forums, I’m not spoon feeding you anymore.
            All you’re saying is Facebook bad, pimax good. Bye

          • Corellianrogue

            Let’s see. Potential theoretical issue with Pimax that can be sorted out even if it was real. VS. Actual issue with Facebook banning people and taking all their games away which Facebook freely admit and thinks is perfectly OK to do. And talking of backpeddling, they’re now saying they’re going to remove the Facebook account requirement for Oculus. Although we don’t know 100% for sure whether they’re going to stop banning Oculus accounts if people say things on Facebook that Facebook don’t like.

          • ViRGiN

            Why are you acting like Facebook issues can not be sorted out, even if the were real? There are millions of happy Quest/Rift users. Can you like… stop spreading FUD about Oculus?

            If you break Facebook rules, you get banned. Try posting something forbidden by Steam, on Steam, and see how it works out for you. Steam isn’t a social network, but it does allow you to voice your opinions.

          • Corellianrogue

            Facebook are cultural marxists who are against free speech and censor and ban people for dissent. Social networks (at least ones based in the USA) aren’t supposed to censor legal speech, it’s actually against the law, but nobody is enforcing the law so they get away with it. If you’re a social network and censor legal speech you become a publisher and are legally liable for every word and image on your website. But the US government is refusing to enforce that law. If it did Facebook would be shutdown by now and Mark Zuckerberg would probably be in jail.

          • ViRGiN

            Well, at least Oculus never disabled any headset ever.

          • Corellianrogue
          • ViRGiN

            Lol! What a propaganda. I’ll buy a banned headset for $5000. I’m 100% sure it will work with my own login details. They ban accounts, not headsets, unlike pimax.
            Keep spreading FUD

          • Corellianrogue

            Banning the account is basically banning the headset if you need the account to use the headset, duh! Also, they take all your Oculus games away. Show me a banned Pimax headset? Also, currently Pimax can’t take any games away. I guess they theoretically could once their games store is up and running, but i haven’t heard anyone worrying that will happen since Pimax doesn’t seem to be ban-happy.

          • ViRGiN

            The propaganda link you shared clearly shows in the very first comment that they got unbanned. So the problems for 0.0000001% of users are clearly workable, just like you said they are for pimax. Keep spreading propaganda, and comparing 10 million+ headset userbase to something that doesnt even have 10k from china.

          • Corellianrogue

            That’s because in that specific instance they got banned for literally no reason at all so they had to get unbanned. many people have been banned on Facebook for the “reason” that Facebook didn’t like what they said.

          • JustNiz

            lol let’s play spot the clueless oculus fanboi.


    Let’s just get San Andreas vr released. Hopefully by Christmas.

    • benz145

      It wasn’t even a full announcement of the game, they only said it’s “in development.” Very unlikely we’d see it before Christmas.

  • archie castillo

    I’ve specifically not gotten the occulus because of that ridiculous requirement. Never had facebook, never will.

  • sebrk

    Not rocket science nor does it require massive amount of work. Unless of course they just want to make it look like a hard investment and not just cosmetics. 1000% everything will be tied together behind the scenes anyway. You are the product still.

  • geronimo

    Once eye tracking is in all their headsets all they will require is “just” a scan of your retinas.

    • dk

      meh debit/credit card is much easier

    • ViRGiN

      Valve is skipping this obsolete tracking completly, and is going straight for brain interface. Not a single Steam fanboy will blink an eye to upload all their thoughts into the Steam gaming monopoly, all because you get cheap games and all games in one place.

      I wonder how the people who spewed bullshit like “buy all your games on steam, so when you change headset, you can still play them” feel now about purchasing things like MOH or GTA SA lol

      • Corellianrogue

        That won’t be for a long time and Valve isn’t trying to track and store your thoughts you moron. When has anyone ever brought up any privacy concerns with Valve? Plus they’re not a social (engineering) media company. And they’re not skipping eye-tracking either judging by their patents. Eye-tracking is needed for dynamic foveated rendering. If you buy MOH VR on Steam you can play it with any HMD (as long as it’s SteamVR compatible, which all the major ones are), what are you talking about? GTA SA VR isn’t available on Steam (or anywhere else yet) but if it ever gets released on Steam then it will also be able to be played on any SteamVR compatible HMD.

      • JustNiz

        Congratulations you just insulted all steam users based only on your own imaginary and entirely fact-free strawman.

    • Jistuce

      Don’t be ridiculous.

      Eye-tracking is designed to look at the surface, not all the way through to the back. It’ll be an iris scan.

  • MosBen

    The problem with the linking of your Facebook account and your Oculus account was never specifically about Facebook the social media site and more that the company collects, tracks, and sells your meta data, and providing even more data through your VR usage is just more invasive. Now that Oculus is no more and it’s all part of an umbrella company, the reality that they’re going to track you and sell your data is a reality no matter which log in you use.

    No thanks.

  • UN

    Quest is not dropping the Facebook login requirement, they are just renaming it or will be requiring a meta account login to access your paid digital library.

    The headline is grossly misleading and click-bait.

    The purpose of investing in VR is to better collect and collate more personalised data than FB would otherwise allow, such as biometrics and mannerisms that canb’t be ascertained through your posting and browsing habits.

    Social media is by design there to understand you better than you know yourself, for the purposes of profit by selling your habits to marketers to better sell products to you.

    Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal wasn’t that long ago nor was the Digital Life program.

    I’m stuck on the Rift because I refuse to link a FB account to a Quest headset to access VR.

    Pigs will fly before they drop the account login user requirement, at best they may just require you to link the accounts and not login everytime you access VR.

  • Ben McLean

    It is ridiculous how much pressure we had to put into twisting Facebook’s arm for this. I’m still switching away from the Quest line over to the Lynx R-1 in order to stay as far away from Facebook as possible.

  • JustNiz

    I’m gonna bet that at least for all practical purposes it will still require a facebook account. It might just get renamed to be a meta account but it will effectively be the same thing.