Accessories extend and adapt the functionality of cameras for the filmmaker’s need; when it comes to VR film, things are no different. Nokia has announced an initial set of accessories to keep their Ozo camera flexible.

If you thought accessories for Nokia’s $60,000 OZO VR camera were going to be cheap… think again. It’s clear that Nokia really is aiming for the professional filmmaker with these prices; when it comes to the world of high-end production, efficiency is often worth the extra cash.

Camera Handle – Price not announced


Whether you’re hoping to catch some handheld shots or just be able to tote Ozo around on the set that much easier, the Camera Handle accessory will let you do just that. Hooking onto the back end of the camera at a curious angle, it appears that Nokia designed the camera handle to hide out of view of the lenses (or at least as much as possible). While it’s nice to be able to walk around with a camera, a steadicam rig would probably be more appropriate as VR film is most comfortable for the viewer when the camera’s horizon remains extremely stable.

Carbon Lens Cover – Price not announced


You dropped $60,000 on the camera already—might as well protect your investment. The Carbon Lens Cover somehow manages to make Ozo look even more alien while protecting the camera’s eight lenses and milled aluminium body from scratches.

Digital Cartridge – $5,000


The Digital Cartridge comprises both a battery and a 500GB Media Module, which Nokia says supports up to 45 minutes of continuous recording. This package slots into Ozo’s tail end to provide power and storage for capture.

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Media Module – $2,500


The Media Module is a sub-component of the above Digital Cartridge, housing a 500GB SSD and USB 3.0 port for data transfer. You can swap out one Media Module for another in the Digital Cartridge to keep capturing footage while you transfer data away from the first.

Docking Station – $1,500


For the filmmaker who can’t stand the idea of plugging in two individual items, the Ozo Docking Station accepts the Digital Cartridge to allow charging and data transfer from the Media Module at the same time through a single plug.

Short and Long Tripod Adapter – Prices not announced


Naturally, filmmakers are going to want to use Ozo with existing tripod equipment. Nokia has made a long and short adapter for the camera, the former likely made to give some clearance between Ozo and bulky tripods in an effort to avoid too much of it being in the scene.


Ozo itself will come with a number of these accessories packaged in a rugged case. The photo on the official website appears to show additional accessories in the case (like the Carbon Cover), though it seems that only what’s listed in the ‘What’s Included’ section will come with the $60,000 camera package.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Anton Bar

    What’s the logic behind the $5,000 price for a cartridge? 1.5TB portable hard drive costs 60$, a power bank another 20$. What are the $4,920 for?

    • Alex Sartorio Coelho

      Only profit to try to recover Nokia from the hole it was.