In preparation for Steven Spielberg’s theatrical adaptation of Ernest Cline’s critically acclaimed novel Ready Player One, HTC Vive and Warner Bros Pictures today announced a deal that makes the Vive an official partner for all upcoming VR content for the film. All Ready Player One VR content and experiences will be available on Viveport, HTC Vive’s digital distribution platform.

Update 03/27/2017: a special thanks to Florian de Gesincourt for the use of the title image, a personal artwork created by him in tribute to the Ready Player One novel. His work can be found at

According to HTC, the company will produce multiple pieces of VR content tied to the world of Ready Player One, distributing it globally across all VR in-home platforms including high-end PC based VR systems to mobile solutions.

The company also plans to bring Ready Player One-inspired content to its Viveport Arcade platform for location-based entertainment as well as showcase the VR experiences and games at many of the biggest global consumer events through the year.

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Based in a universe where highly-immersive VR is ubiquitous, things are sure to get pretty meta with Ready Player One VR content.

Ready Player One is one of the most anticipated movies in the world, and has tremendous potential to engage and entertain the worldwide market, showcasing the transformative nature of VR, and what it can and will be,” said Rikard Steiber, President of Viveport. “Vive is delivering on the promise of VR and continues to be the most advanced and immersive VR experience available to consumers, and we’re thrilled to be partnering with Warner Bros. to bring these experiences to consumers, on all platforms, around the globe.”

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Directed by Steven Spielberg, Ready Player One is starring Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke, Ben Mendelsohn and T.J. Miller, with Simon Pegg and Mark Rylance. Zak Penn and Ernest Cline wrote the screenplay, based on the novel by Cline.

The film is slated for global theatrical release on March 30, 2018, from Warner Bros. Pictures, Amblin Partners and Village Roadshow Pictures.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 4,000 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.

    This has me excited. The book was amazing.

    • I just bought the book because of you :D

      • KUKWES

        I am 37 years old and this had so many nods and references to 80s culture. I finished the book in no time then listened to the Audible version which is great. The author completely understands Nerd and Geek culture.

  • you could ask for permission maybe before using my concept art to illustrate your article ? or at least put my name in the credit + link to my website :

    • John Anthony Hartman

      Huge fan of this illustration.

    • Hi Florian. Firstly, my sincere apologies. I can’t imagine it’s fun having to track down who’s used your art without attribution or expressed permission. I sourced the image from thinking it was an official page — and I was just too hasty, because checking back I see it’s a tribute page filled with other art work from across the web. Thank you for reaching out and retroactively giving us permission. I hope the update to the article with due credit/link to your site is sufficient. Thanks for reading!

    • Great artwork, and on your website.

    • Jerald Doerr

      Great work Florian! Very nice!!

    • J.C.

      This piece is amazing!

    • Love your work man!

  • Andrew Jakobs

    So if released on Viveport, will Oculus owners be able to run it?

    • Matias Nassi

      Not an Oculus owner so I cannot try it myself but I think they should be able to run it as Oculus supports SteamVR (runtime used for every Viveport app).

    • J.C.

      I honestly hope not. I hope someone has to build workaround software that MOSTLY works, but not quite. I hope it’s exclusive for at least a year. I hope it’s fucking awesome. And every Rift user who’s ever defended Oculus’ hardware-exclusive store should be super happy about it, because “it’s the only way VR is going to get funded”.

      Realistically, however, it’s likely to be a short, disappointing experience that’s mostly an ad for the movie.

      • Andrew Jakobs

        But if it would be vive exclusive, then vive owners can’t bitch at oculus owners anymore… then again, a lot of vr-games still only officially support the vive..

        • Duane Locsin

          That’s because of the decision of the independent publishers like Zenamax and Fallout 4 CE, Doom VFR and Skyrim.

          We all know who really is the one to complain to when it comes exclusives on the Rift.

  • Tero Pänkäläinen

    Ready Player One movie (March 2018) is the mass marketing campaign VR needs. Also it would make sense to lauch Vive 2 at the same time.

  • John Anthony Hartman

    We all meet at the Black Sun?

  • ra51

    Hope the movie is at least decent considering what happened with Ender’s Game. But then again, that’s asking quite a bit though.

  • flamaest
